Instructor Help

Technical inquiries about Moodle?

Contact AMPD Computing Services by emailing This will result in a ticket being generated automatically which is in a queue visible to all AMPD Computing staff.


Moodle Instructor FAQ

Moodle Instructor Resources

Other Moodle Tips

  • Online courses do not have the same turn around time as those offered face to face.  Provide extra time for student interaction and clarification.
  • If you have an offline assignment, download a blank grade sheet from the grade book to have the correct format to bulk upload grades  instead of entering grades one by one.
  • Try to mark all assignments out of 100. The grade book set up will take care of calculations and the ’rounding up’ will therefore only take place once.
  • Keep the final grade and one other assignment ie. participation grade,  hidden until the end of the course to allow for grade manipulating.
  • Be consistent with your delivery.  For example, if you use forums, use the same type throughout the course.  If you change a style, let the class know.
  • Keep your course template uncluttered and logically structured.
  • Change you Text editor preference to TinyMCE if you would like to have greater display options ie. ability to change fonts and text colours.
  • Check all links to ensure they are active before making them public.
  • If you have a large class, set up a hidden forum for TA’s to communicate with each other and eliminate repetitive emails.
  • Set up a non graded forum for students to communicate with each other.
  • If you require further assistance, contact